The Bash Guide Learning Notes
posted on 12 Jul 2019 under category ref
This is a learning note when I reading the Bash Guide (links is in content). The majority content is extracted from the original resource and reorgnized. It serves to me as an quick recap or quick reference, may not suitable as an tutorial. But if you have some basic understanding of bash, it may be as helpful to you as to me.
BASH: Bourne Again Shell.
Bash is written in C. it’s merely a layer between system function calls and the user.
In bash, almost everything is a string: We need to be sure everything that needs to be separated is separated properly, and everything that needs to stay together stays together properly.
Types of commands:
(is actually a function).[[ ]]
.String VS Stream:
The amount of whitespace between arguments does not matter.
Quotes ("
or '
) group everything inside them into a single argument.
You should be very well aware of how expansion works see Expansion.
Typical interpreter directive, aka “shebang”, “hashbang”:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Typical header:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# scriptname - a short explanation of the scripts purpose.
# Copyright (C) <date> <name>...
# scriptname [option] [argument] ...
Two ways to run scripts:
bash myscript
chmod +x myscript
and ./myscript
To use a directory to hold your scripts:
$ mkdir -p "$HOME/bin"
$ echo 'PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> "$HOME/.bashrc
$ source "$HOME/.bashrc"
The best way to parse options and arguments is to do it manually. But this way does not handle single-letter options concatenated together (like -xvf). Fancy option processing is only desirable if you are releasing the program for general use.
die() {
printf '%s\n' "$1" >&2
exit 1
# Initialize all the option variables.
# This ensures we are not contaminated by variables from the environment.
while :; do
case $1 in
show_help # Display a usage synopsis.
-f|--file) # Takes an option argument; ensure it has been specified.
if [ "$2" ]; then
die 'ERROR: "--file" requires a non-empty option argument.'
file=${1#*=} # Delete everything up to "=" and assign the remainder.
--file=) # Handle the case of an empty --file=
die 'ERROR: "--file" requires a non-empty option argument.'
verbose=$((verbose + 1)) # Each -v adds 1 to verbosity.
--) # End of all options.
printf 'WARN: Unknown option (ignored): %s\n' "$1" >&2
*) # Default case: No more options, so break out of the loop.
# if --file was provided, open it for writing, else duplicate stdout.
if [ "$file" ]; then
exec 3> "$file"
exec 3>&1
# Rest of the program here.
# If there are input files (for example) that follow the options, they
# will remain in the "$@" positional parameters.
Another way is to use getopts, only use it if you need concatenated options.
or $var
' '
: no expansion, ignore escape \
." "
: with expansion.…
NOTE that there is no space around =.
Identifier can begin with letter/underscore, can contain letter/digit/underscore.
We can also use declare
to specify variable types:
# integer. rarely used, better use arithmetic command "(( ))" or "let"
declare -i var
# indexed array. rarely used, better use "array()".
declare -a var
# associative array.
declare -A var
# read only:
declare -r var
# export. variables declared with -x will be inherited by any child process.
declare -x var
Sepcial parameters is preset by BASH, and read-only.
$0 script name/path
$1 $2, ${10} etc: positional parameter, contain passed-in arguments
$* string of all positional parameter
$@ list of all positional parameter
$# number of positional parameter
$? exit code of most recently completed foreground command
$$ PID of current shell
$! PID of most recently executed background command
$_ last argument of last command
To concatenate additional string into variable:
# to include whitespaces, use " ".
var="$var1 - $var2"
# to diambiguate variable, use {} or "":
# command substitue:
logname="log.$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
# concatenate with reassignment.
string="$string more data here"
# concatenate two arrays. the outer ( ) is used to reassemble into array.
var=( "${arr1[@]}" "${arr2[@]}" )
Use Default Value. If ‘parameter’ is unset or null, ‘word’ (which may be an expansion) is substituted. Otherwise, the value of ‘parameter’ is substituted.
Assign Default Value. If ‘parameter’ is unset or null, ‘word’ (which may be an expansion) is assigned to ‘parameter’. The value of ‘parameter’ is then substituted.
Use Alternate Value. If ‘parameter’ is null or unset, nothing is substituted, otherwise ‘word’ (which may be an expansion) is substituted.
Substring Expansion. Expands to up to ‘length’ characters of ‘parameter’ starting at the character specified by ‘offset’ (0-indexed). If ‘:length’ is omitted, go all the way to the end. If ‘offset’ is negative (use parentheses!), count backward from the end of ‘parameter’ instead of forward from the beginning. If ‘parameter’ is @ or an indexed array name subscripted by @ or *
, the result is ‘length’ positional parameters or members of the array, respectively, starting from ‘offset’.
The length in characters of the value of ‘parameter’ is substituted. If ‘parameter’ is an array name subscripted by @ or *
, return the number of elements.
The ‘pattern’ is matched against the beginning of ‘parameter’. The result is the expanded value of ‘parameter’ with the shortest match deleted. If ‘parameter’ is an array name subscripted by @ or *
, this will be done on each element. Same for all following items.
As above, but the longest match is deleted.
The ‘pattern’ is matched against the end of ‘parameter’. The result is the expanded value of ‘parameter’ with the shortest match deleted.
As above, but the longest match is deleted.
Results in the expanded value of ‘parameter’ with the first (unanchored) match of ‘pat’ replaced by ‘string’. Assume null string when the ‘/string’ part is absent.
As above, but every match of ‘pat’ is replaced.
As above, but matched against the beginning. Useful for adding a common prefix with a null pattern: ${array[@]/#/prefix}
As above, but matched against the end. Useful for adding a common suffix with a null pattern.
“pattern” is a string with a special format designed to match filenames, or to check, classify or validate data strings.
There are three types of patterns can be used in shell: glob, extended glob and regular expression.
Glob or extended glob can be used to do filename expansions. When bash sees the glob, for example a *
. It expands this glob, by looking in the current directory and matching it against all files there. Any filenames that match the glob are gathered up and sorted, and then the list of filenames is used in place of the glob.
All of them can do pattern matching in [[ ]]
or case
Anchored at both ends.
* Matches any string, including the null string.
? Matches any single character.
[...] Matches any one of the enclosed characters.
Extended glob can be enabled by shopt -s extglob
Metachars (The ‘list’ inside the parentheses is a list of globs or extended globs separated by the |
?(list) Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns
*(list) Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns
+(list) Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns
@(list) Matches one of the given patterns
!(list) Matches anything but the given patterns
Bash use ERE (Extended Regular Expression) dialect.
Captured string by capture groups are assigned to BASH_REMATCH
Syntax: $var =~ $pattern
, {b..Y}
The result of brace expansion is NOT sorted.
command can be used to specify a exit code range from 0~255, typically code 0 indicate success.
We can use short-curcuit for simple cases:
<if success> && <then do this>
<if failed> || <then do this>
We can group multiple command inside { }
NOTE that you need a semicolon or newline before the closing curly brace. Also the two spaces after { and before } is required.
Grouping conditional operator:
cd "$appdir" || { echo "Please create the appdir and try again" >&2; exit 1; }
Redirect to group of statements:
read firstLine
read secondLine
while read otherLine; do
} < file
and false
is command that always exit success or fail.
if COMMANDS; then
elif COMMANDS; then
case $LANG in
en*) echo 'Hello!' ;;
fr*) echo 'Salut!' ;;
de*) echo 'Guten Tag!' ;;
nl*) echo 'Hallo!' ;;
it*) echo 'Ciao!' ;;
es*) echo 'Hola!' ;;
C|POSIX) echo 'hello world' ;;
*) echo 'I do not speak your language.' ;;
echo "Which of these does not belong in the group?"; \
select choice in Apples Pears Crisps Lemons Kiwis; do
if [[ $choice = Crisps ]]
then echo "Correct! Crisps are not fruit."; break; fi
echo "Errr... no. Try again."
is a command alias to ‘test’ that receive four arguments, so [ "$a" = "$b" ]
means run [
with argument $a
, =
, $b
and required ]
is a shell keyword, it parse its arguments before bash expand them.
When not quoting right-hand side, [[
do pattern matching:
foo=[a-z]* name=lhunath
[[ $name = $foo ]] && echo "Name $name matches pattern $foo"
# Name lhunath matches pattern [a-z]*
[[ $name = "$foo" ]] || echo "Name $name is not equal to the string $foo"
# Name lhunath is not equal to the string [a-z]*
ALL supported operators:
operator desc
=, != string comparision
-eq, -ne, -lt number comparision
-gt, -le, -ge
-z, -n empty test
! EXPR logical NOT
-e FILE True if file exists
-f FILE True if file is a regular file
-d FILE True if file is a directory
-h FILE True if file is a symbolic link
-p PIPE True if pipe exists
-r FILE True if file is readable by you
-s FILE True if file exists and is not empty
-t FD True if FD is opened on a terminal.
-w FILE True if the file is writable by you.
-x FILE True if the file is executable by you.
-O FILE True if the file is effectively owned by you.
-G FILE True if the file is effectively owned by your group.
FILE -nt FILE True if the first file is newer than the second.
FILE -ot FILE True if the first file is older than the second.
ONLY operators. NOTE that (, ), <, > need to be escaped.
operator desc
\(, \) expression group
\<, \> string lesser, greater
-a, -o logical AND, OR
ONLY operators.
operator desc
() expression group
<, > string lesser, greater
&&, || logical AND, OR
= pat, == pat pattern matching
!= pat, =~ REGEX
FILE -ef FILE files are the same
while COMMAND; do
until (in practice, most people simply use while !
until COMMAND; do
for (( INIT; EVALUATE; STEP )); do
for ITEM in WORDS; do
NOTE that a simple for ITEM
is equivalent to for ITEM in "$[@]"
or break
can be used in all of them.
For vs Xargs:
Array is zero-based index. It’s important to keep our data safely contained in the array as long as possible.
Associative array is available since Bash 4.
Creating Array.
# from a word list
a=(word1 word2 "$word3")
# with glob
a=(*.png *.jpg)
# spared array
a=([0]="bob" [1]="peter" [20]="$USER")
# from command output. NUL byte is often the best choice for delim, like:
while read -r -d ''; do
done < <(find /foo -print0)
Using Array:
declare -p a Show/dump the array, in a bash-reusable form
"${a[i]}" Reference one element
"$(( a[i] + 5 ))" Reference one element, in a math context
a[i+1]=word Set one element, note the index is in a math context
a[i]+=suffix Append suffix to one element
a+=(word ...) | a+=([3]=word3 word4 [i]+=word_i_suffix)
Append more elements
unset 'a[i]' Unset one element. Note we use quotes to avoid a[i] intepreted as glob
"${#a[@]}" Number of elements (size, length)
Expand Array:
"${a[@]}" Expand all elements as a list of words
"${!a[@]}" Expand all indices as a list of words (bash 3.0)
"${a[*]}" Expand all elements as a single word, with the first char
of IFS as separator
"${a[@]:start:len}" Expand a range of elements as a list of words
"${a[@]#trimstart}" Expand all elements as a list of words, with
"${a[@]%trimend}" modifications applied to each element separately.
Input can come from:
Output can go to:
Environments can be set by the following ways:
$ LANG=C ls /tpm
export ENV=val
File descriptors are the way programs refer to files, or to other resources that work like files(such as pipes, devices, sockets, or terminals). FDs are kind of like pointers to sources of data, or places data can be written. When something reads from or writes to that FD, the data is read from or written to that FD’s resource.
By default, every new process starts with three open FDs:
): File Descriptor 0stdout
): File Descriptor 1stderr
): File Descriptor 2“Redirection” is the practice of changing a FD to read its input from, or send its output to, a different location.
Redirection apply only to one command/loop, and occurs before the command/loop is executed.
or <
preceded by FD number(default to stdout
or stdin
or <<
followed by FD number2>error
is okayExamples:
>, 1> changes the stdout FD destination
<, 0< changes the stdin FD destination
2> error change the stderr FD destination to file error
2> /dev/null change the stderr FD destination to file /dev/null (silent errors)
> logfile 2>&1 change stdout to logfile, then duplicate stdout and put it in stderr
&> logfile same as above, redirecting both stdout and stderr to logfile, NOT portable
Heredocs and Herestrings are themselves redirects just like any other, so additional redirections can occur on the same line.
# with indentation, and Bash substitution.
cat <<END # sentinel
indented by "${level}"
# output:
# indented by "1"
to auto-remove tab
(but NOT spaces).'END'
to avoid Bash substitution.-'END'
to do both.Herestring.
# less portable, with Bash substitution.
grep proud <<<"$USER sits proudly on his throne in $HOSTNAME."
: Connects the stdout of one process to the stdin of another.
FIFOs aka “named pipes” accomplish the same but through a filename.
NOTE: The pipe operator creates a subshell environment for each command. This is important to know because any variables that you modify or initialize inside the second command will appear unmodified outside of it.
Convenient way to use named pipes without having to create temporary files. Whenever you think you need a temporary file to do something, process substitution might be a better way to handle things.
: put command output in a named pipe.
$ diff -y <(head -n 1 .dictionary) <(tail -n 1 .dictionary)
: redirect the file to the command’s input.
$ tar -cf >(ssh host tar xf -) .
, for
, [[
… are all compound commands.
and alias
are not compound commands, but works similar.
Similar to a child process, except that more information is inherited.
When the subshell terminates, the cd command’s effect is gone.
Subshell is created implicitly for each command in pipeline, and explicitly by using ()
around a command.
: Allow a collection of commands to be considered as a whole with regards to redirection and control flow.
Two ways to do arithmetic:
: let a=4+5
, let a='(5+2)*3'
: ((a=(5+2)*3))
echo "There are $(($rows * $columsn)) cells
((abs= (a >= 0) ? a : -a))
if ((flag)); then echo "uh oh, our flag is up"; fi
, NOTE that flag
don’t even need $
.We can use alias
, unalias
to make or delete a alias.
If you need complex behavior, use a function instead.
dummy() {
local i # local variable
echo "$1" # use parameter
return 9 # return code
# call
dummy one
t=$(dummy "two")
echo "$r" "$t" "$?"
# outputs:
# one
# dummy two 9
echo a{d,c,b}e
# ade ace abe
~ The value of $HOME
~/foo $HOME/foo
~fred/foo The subdirectory foo of the home directory of the user fred
~+/foo $PWD/foo
~-/foo ${OLDPWD-’~-’}/foo
~N The string that would be displayed by ‘dirs +N’
~+N The string that would be displayed by ‘dirs +N’
~-N The string that would be displayed by ‘dirs -N’
$(( expression ))
set -o xtrace
Avoid .sh
file name extension.
Don’t use #!/bin/sh
, it’s bash
, not sh
Always use [[
instead of [
Always use $()
instead of ``.
Always use built-in math instead of expr
Always quote sentences or strings that belong together, omit only when the specific situation requires unquoted behavior, like in [[
Just use function to run repeat commands.
Put double quotes around every parameter expansion.
PE is better then sed
DON’T EVER parse the output of ls
, use globs instead.
DON’T EVER test or filter filenames with grep, use globs and path expansion.
Don’t use cat to feed a single file’s content to a filter, pass file name as parameter or use redirection.
Use while loop to read the lines of file instead of for loop.
The best way to always be compatible is to put your regex in a variable and expand that variable in [[
without quotes.
Never use [
’s -a
(use multiple [
instead) or -o
, always prefer [[
if you can.
If you have a list of things, you should always put it in an array.
Change IFS
in subshell to avoid change current shell’s default.
Don’t use all-capital variable names in your scripts, unless they are environment variables.
Send your custom error messages to the stderr
DO NOT use cat
to pipe files to commands in your scripts, use redirection instead.
You should keep your logic (your code) and your input (your data) separated.
Herestrings should be preferred over pipes when sending output of a variable as stdin into a command.
If you end up making a pipeline that consists of three or more applications, it is time to ask yourself whether you’re doing things a smart way.
See info autoconf
’s “portable shell” (need autoconf-doc installed).